Ana Garcia was the first real time I saw myself in media. Real Women Have Curves could have been based in south or west San Anto (although the LA scenic scenes are so beautiful in the film, and was perfection). I saw myself in Ana, in her Spanglish, in the her relationships with her family, in how she perfectly rolled her eyes at what her mom would say. I saw my mom and tia’s in Doña Carmen played OH SO perfectly by Lupe Ontiveros (QEPD). Ontiveros deserved an Oscar for that performance, like really and truly!!
Then came Ugly Betty— Betty Suarez and her unapologetic optimism and her ganas and her pride in her culture. Betty, who was not the average lead, who was not supposed to have a seat at that table, who did not do anyone dirty to get ahead. I swear that when I was contemplating leaving my corporate job to pursue Very That full time, I was in the middle of rewatching Ugly Betty and she influenced me to just go for it, to believe in me.

Last night America Ferrera included my mug in a video promoting @votelatino and my heart dropped. Affirmations everywhere.
Let’s not forget that the purpose behind the video, behind the box, is to get our gente registered to vote + out to the polls. Register to vote, community! & let's encourage everyone around us to do the same. Find more info here!