I'll share some of my stories, some of my secrets, and some of my recipes.
Mini Suitcase
“You should travel more, Tina.” The words stung my bitter, early-twenties heart. Cesar had JUST started visiting new cities, mostly in search of his next place to live & work,...

Southwest Chicken Chili
Southwest Chicken ChiliThis is one of my favorite things to make. I hardly ever use my slow cooker, but it was really nice to do it all and then just...
Five Things Quarentena Ed.
1. I've had the babies full time for two full months now. Full of what? Full of love, challenges, insecurity, fear, laughter, fun, late nights, late mornings, movie nights, a new...
thirty seven
I type this in the last few minutes of my 37th year. .................................. thirty seven was a fkn whirlwind. I did so much, saw so much, loved so much, learned...
Very That Loves Brick at Blue Star
I had big party planned for next week at Brick at Blue Star for what would be my 8th anniversary with Very That and my 38th birthday. Last year’s bash...
Facebook memories have a funny way of making time stop for me. Today's reminder from three years ago REALLY had me pause for a long time and reflect. If you know...
Over the last few days I had some really special connections to strangers. At Muertos Fest, I met an older gentleman that said he followed me on Instagram! I told...