It's been a long time, are you still there?
1. I haven't written to you in a long time, but I'm still here! And I'm 33 now. I've read and heard that thirty three is supposed to be a really transformative year. A year of growth and renewal and finding out who the fuck I'm really supposed to be. So far, so good. I have a 33 list, I'll share that with you later, but one of the things is to go camping for the first time. Like a chingona camping trip at Enchanted Rock when it's not hot. Do you wanna come? I don't even know where to start.
2. I'm currently sitting and typing at CommonWealth Coffeehouse & Bakery and it's so cute and so fancy and the coffee is so good. So so so. + I'm sitting on a couch that very much resembles the one one Friends. Where's Smelly Cat?
What kills me about these kinds of places (Rosella, Halcyon, etc) is that they're nowhere near the hood. One day I'll open up a panaderia/coffee shop that plays cumbias and boleros and is smack in the middle of the South Side. I can't wait.
3. I've been thinking a lot about VeryThat and what it's become and where I want it to go. Are you ready? I am. I wanna take it all the way back to where I started with my odd and end accessories, and those cool ass magnets I used to make, loteria sets, etc and then bring it all the way to the work I'm doing now with tiles and graphics. Hecho a mano love.
4. I have so much to do in the next few weeks. My list is scary long, pero I'm ready to tackle it. I was freaking out over the last couple days, but today I was reminded that everything I've have been confronted with has been survived. I'm a survivor (I'm not gon give up). So as I start this week and look at closing out this month with my ever growing scary list, I KNOW I'm going to tackle it down and do it well. I got this. You got this.
5. Having said that, I'm looking forward to next month! I want to take a road trip somewhere far and beautiful. Perhaps California. I've never been, can you even believe it? Wanna come with me? Want to spin around like you're about to hit a piñata and walk towards a map and just point? Want to climb in my car with just a few things in tow, gas money, and some wanderlust? Let's go.
Go to go, love you.
Cristina <3