Cristina Martinez is from the South Side of San Antonio, Texas. Born of immigrant parents, Spanish was her first language, Spanglish is her current. She lives with her dog, Yoshimoto (named after artist, Yoshitomo Nara) in the very same house she grew up in. Summers spent in Mexico with her Tias, weekend carne asadas and loterias, and memories of listening to Juan Gabriel at max volume while cleaning the house are the roots of her inspiration. Today you can find Cristina in and around San Antonio and other cities across the US setting up her wares at events, organizing local handmade shows, and living her life like it's golden. She's not so good at About Me's, nor is she all that great at speaking in third person. She hopes you are well.
Welcome to Very That, your one-stop Chicana shop based in the heart of San Antonio, Texas. We craft unique, vibrant pieces for chingonas como tú y tu madre. Our creations celebrate the rich culture and fierce spirit of the Chicana community!
Cristina Martinez, the proud owner of Very That, hails from the South Side of San Antonio. Born to immigrant parents, Cristina's first language was Spanish, and her current is Spanglish. She still resides in the home she grew up in, sharing it with her beloved dogs, Benny and Pancho Nopales.
Cristina's summers in Mexico with her Tías, weekends filled with carne asadas, lotería games, and the memory of cleaning the house to the sounds of Juan Gabriel blaring at full volume form the foundation of her inspiration. These cherished experiences are woven into every item she creates.
When she's not in her workshop, you can find Cristina setting up shop at events around San Antonio and across the U.S., organizing local handmade shows, and living her life to the fullest with her amor, Peaches. She's not the best at writing About Me's, nor is she particularly fond of speaking in the third person, but she hopes this gives you a glimpse into the heart and soul behind Very That!
Thank you for stopping by. We hope you feel the love and pride in every piece we make.